
Good-Bye 2012

Good-Bye 2012. 
I wish you all the best for 2013, full of health, happiness and hope...

Another amazing year, that I leave. For me it's been another fantastic period of my life, full of good moments with my family, and some great people that I have been able to meet here, in France, 
but also 
 in Bali, in Germany, in Belgium, in Singapore, in Holland, in England and in Indonesia. 
You all know who you are, I won't forget you!..
Thank you also to all of you for following this blog.
Thank you to all of you for asking me to tattoo you some great projects.
Thank you to all of you for ordering my drawings and other pieces of art on Etsy.
Thank you to all of you for being here.
Next year, if life permits it, I will be in France, Czech Republic, Spain and Canada...

Life is a Gift. I will never forget that.

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