
Lost and found : MLADÁ FRONTA Magazine. Czech Republic

Once upon a time I was in pizzeria in Prag. I was alone and i hate to eat alone in a restaurant. Its just annoying..Well, whatever, so i took the first magazine near me to try to understand a few words while i was waiting for my super cheesy and heavy pizza and my liter of beer...And, oh! surprise! there was an article about the tattoo scene and some pictures of my work on my good friend Michal of TRIBO tattoo...And there were some words about my work on a very very positive way!!!! wow!!! cool!

2 commentaires:

  1. Ha, what an awesome coincidence! I guess it was meant to happen for you to start enjoying eating alone - it can actually be a quite cool experience!

  2. P.S. Can you believe that, my verification word for the comment above was "grabsome" haha


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